マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 1月28日 12時46分

Shooting the video for Work Hard and Be Nice. The tune is about trying to find common values. How can we connect to one another when there’s so much division in the world? Throughout my years of writing music to effect positive change I’ve learned that one of the most effective way is through hearing the story of other people and finding things in it i can relate with. Not be an A-Hole to people you might not agree with at first or who appear different than you creates an opportunity for understanding who they are in their essence, rather than what you might think they are at first glance. Once we are able to see people as human beings and not “Others” to be feared, we can start to build relationships that can create healing and grow into partnerships that solve the big issues the world faces today, and if you’re a thinking, feeling person there are at least 50 issues out there we collectively need to solve for. Getting there ain’t so easy. We are all connected for better or for worse (I would add that the better far outweighs the worse in this regard). Yet we often spend so much of our time trying to fill the voids in our hearts with stuff that don’t matter and that prevents us from stepping into the connection we have with one another. Work Hard & Be Nice came about from many of these thoughts I had rolling around in my head. There are a lot of different beliefs out there and I think two important ones are working diligently to get to your growing edge show you can share your talents to serve others and not trampling other people along the way. Basically working hard and being nice. As simple as it seems I definitely still screw this up a lot of the time and that’s why I wrote the song as a reminder to keep doing the work to get more consistent at it. 🙏🏽Work Hard & Be Nice y’all! #workhardandbenice #stayhuman


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