Hirofumi Kiyonagaのインスタグラム(kiyonaga_soph) - 1月28日 12時43分

#repost @ソフ
<HF & SKATETHING Talk About...“Asger Jorn”>

uniform experimentでは、この2021年春夏シーズン、コレクションの重要なピースとしてアスガー・ヨルン(Asger Jorn/1917-1973)のアートワークをピックアップ。

1940年代の前衛美術運動「CoBrA」や、そこから派生した1957年の社会革命的国際組織「Situationist International」の創設にも深く携わった稀代のデンマーク人アーティストは、その前衛的な作品の数々が後にパンクムーブメントに多大な影響を与えたと言われている。



In uniform experiment 2021 spring/summer season, picked up the artwork of Asger Jorn(1917 -1973) as an important piece of the collection.

A Danish artist who was deeply involved in the avant-garde art movement in the 1940s "CoBrA" and the foundation of the international organization of social revolution "Situationist International" in 1957 which was derived from the movement, had a great influence on the puncture movement due to his avant-garde works.

Hiroshi Fujiwara, who has long had a special affection for such a great star in the art scene and led the collaboration with UE this time, talked about the attractiveness of his work with Skatething, a C.E designer who is also influenced by his work of Asger Jorn.

For the full text of the interview, please see the URL in the profile section.


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