レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 1月21日 10時32分

we come from the earth
we return to the earth

in between
we garden.

I turn the routine of my daily run into ritual by taking a moment before or after to connect with earth. It just takes a moment - I sit down, place my hands on the ground... and I breathe. sometimes I pray. sometimes I sing for her. no matter what; even if I only have a brief moment before it’s time to head home, I always, always say thank you.

the more time I spend in nature
the more time I spend on my yoga mat
the more time I spend sitting with tea
the more time I spend holding my daughter in my arms

the more I am reminded that the reason we were put here in the first place is to garden - to tend to the earth. to tend to each other.

one cannot happen without the other two. it’s all of us; we’re in this together. you, me, earth mother. you can’t pick just one. you can’t pick just yourself and somehow expect for that to be enough.

and I think for so many people out there, what’s missing in their lives isn’t more debate - more TV, more politics, more news, more discussion or more back and forth - but what’s missing is more reminders of where we came from and where, one day, we will return. and most important of all: what we’re here to do in the in that space in between.

spend more time placing your hands to the earth
spend more time placing your hands to your heart
spend more time placing your hands in the hands of people who don’t have the same privilege as you, and ask them how you can be of service.

oneness is a beautiful ideal
maybe one day we will get there

until then,

take care of the land. not just your land. all land. take care of the people. not just your people. all people.

and take care of you.

🎶 by Libana


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