ペンハリガンのインスタグラム(penhaligons) - 1月18日 22時00分

Let us accompany our Prince of Perfumery on his arrival to the Portraits Mansion. Lord George, our noble patriarch, paragon of masculine elegance and – between you and I – mild brandy addict, and his... ahem... beloved wife, Lady Blanche stand in the entrance of the Mansion, eager to receive their guest of honour. Though, we must mention the glint of revenge that resides in Lady Blanche’s eye. Could this be aimed at our beloved perfumer or her very own husband, who has too often been seen scuttling off to the dark alleys of Soho to visit his Clandestine Clara? At a guess, we’d say the latter. Their children, The Coveted Duchess Rose, a bright-eyed innocent with hidden desires and Heartless Helen, a not-so-innocent with desires made known, have returned to the Mansion in light of the occasion, with a rather flamboyant, rosy-cheeked - with Wildean inclinations - dandy, The Duke and a beguiling, cunning, conniving fellow, Terrible Teddy, in tow. The Blazing Mister Sam raced to the Mansion in his prized motorcar for what he assumed to be a Gentlemen’s weekend, though there is nothing gentle about this man – and, here’s the black pepper sting, he's an American in London, no less. Shall we sit back amid the vetiver haze and see what scandal ensues? Yes, I think we should. What a splendid idea that is. #penhaligonsxportraits


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