デイヴ・ナヴァロのインスタグラム(davenavarro) - 1月17日 05時30分

This world is full of darkness and light. Things that scare us, things that flood us with love, things that are weird and make us feel stuff we can’t quite translate. We are born wanting to play and connect but as life layers it’s traumas we become isolated as we develop our protective mechanisms. We hang on to hope that there is a world beyond our small experience but this view can fracture so easily. We pray for a friendly sun to show us a view where we can recognize frenz and play amongst the colors and shapes in this bizarre landscape of life.

This scene is a recreation of the last scene in our short film, if you haven’t seen it yet, check our website, www.dueldiagnosis.com link in bio- where our two main characters, I & i, decide to create their own beautiful reality. I & i are two little souls who have experienced major trauma and after having gone through unspeakable hardships, they have built protective armor around themselves. Their own safe protection from the dangers of the world. Once they find each other, they begin to build an environment that they love. Knowing they need support, they decide to twist the archaic tools of psychiatry and find beautiful friends they can trust and begin to heal with. At this time on Earth, turning inward and changing what they CAN control brings them the opportunity for growth, instead of focusing on the things they cannot which drive them even more insane. If you or anyone you know happen to feel like I & i do.... know this. You are not alone. Shame has never saved anyone. Thanks to @hijackart for the space 515 S Fairfax and to @b4_flight for the video documentation that we will share soon! (PS i has had it extra tough, luckily I is there to help wheel him/her around safely) #dueldiagnosis #unfukyourself #davenavarro


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