ダニー・リエルのインスタグラム(dannieriel) - 1月16日 08時39分

My first #Youtube videos was w this dude so might as well make my first #livestream w him as well.
We’re doing this for the day 1s who need some nostalgic stimulation LOL and for the new ones that dunnnnooo 🥰 10 years is crazy, Im so grateful for my experiences, to meet y’all around the world and im just thankful I didn’t turn out to be a vain piece of sh*t.
@chengman is gonna sift through your questions which is ideal for me 😂 because I’m actually super private about my life but it’s chill, come hang!!
You don’t need a #twitch account to watch, only if you wanna join the chat. K bye.

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