マーキータ・プリングのインスタグラム(marquitapring) - 1月13日 04時25分

Gratitude is an action word.

Let me tell you a little story about the power of manifestation.... for a while now I’ve passed this building decorated with massive billboards. Every time I’d walk by I’d visualize myself up there. Never thinking about the specific ad I’d be featured in but always me and my giant face.... right before the new year I found out @Nordstrom was planning on putting my image in two spots around the city, Lincoln Tunnel and somewhere in Soho. But I had no idea where in Soho.
Then just a few days ago I started getting messages from friends saying they saw my face downtown. They told me the exact location but I didn’t put it together until I went to see for myself....and guess what... it’s on the exact same building I’d been imagining.
It takes work, discipline, practice, and most importantly gratitude for everything you’re experiencing in life, but the sooner you start dreaming and believing, eventually it will all align✨


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