ジェイミー・カラムのインスタグラム(jamiecullum) - 1月12日 03時15分

I hope you’re holding up ok. Between the cracks of all the crazy that we find ourselves in I’ve been trying to sight-read through a few easy pieces on the piano. It is HARD, for someone like me who’s never really spent any significant time doing this before. Really just painfully so at times! I’m doing a little bit every day, hoping to improve a bit. I’m also trying out some ear training on an iPad app called “Functional Ear Trainer” which is really useful. This tiny, knitted version of me in sparkly trousers is currently better at sight reading than me but I am aiming to change that! Any suggestions gratefully received. #allcowseatgrass


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




The Macallanのインスタグラム
The Macallanさんがフォロー
