タリブ・クウェリさんのインスタグラム写真 - (タリブ・クウェリInstagram)「There is no other way to say it. Yesterdays rally organized and presided over by @realdonaldtrump was an attempted coup, a violent act of terrorism. White supremacist terrorists attempted to violently bully the American government into making Trump a dictator. The Trump comparisons to Hitler are no longer hyperbole. This is exactly how that started. Nazis in Germany fly this same confederate flag in their yards because it's illegal to fly the swastika in Germany. When Nazis and KKK marched in Charlottesville and murdered Heather Heyer during Trumps first year in office, he called them very fine people. They were waving this flag and they were marching to save confederate statues. These are those same people. This is the Handmaids Tale come to life. Nazis lost their war. Trump lost the election. The Confederacy lost their war. Racist losers showed up at the request of their furher Trump wearing loser Trump shirts, waving loser nazi flags and loser confederate flags. They were assisted by race soldier cops. They broke windows, they scaled walls, they broke into offices. These terrorists took selfies with cops inside of government buildings. One of them was shot and killed in the US Capitol. Three of them died in the melee. Trump has blood in his hands and should not be allowed to live one more second on property paid for by our taxes. I am no fan of police but if we are "a country of laws" like they keep saying on the news, then Trump needs to be impeached again and arrested immediately for leading a pro nazi pro KKK pro fascist rally from the Oval Office. That confederate flag being held up in the White House is the ultimate insult to black folks and if you claim to be a patriot, this image should disgust you. It was insulting to hear white people on the news say over and over again that we could not have predicted this. Black people told you this would happen. I told you this would happen many, many times over the last four years. Many of you told me I was overreacting because I was distracting you from your distraction. Do you believe us now? Shame on America. Shame.」1月7日 22時48分 - talibkweli

タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 1月7日 22時48分

There is no other way to say it. Yesterdays rally organized and presided over by @ドナルド・トランプ was an attempted coup, a violent act of terrorism. White supremacist terrorists attempted to violently bully the American government into making Trump a dictator. The Trump comparisons to Hitler are no longer hyperbole. This is exactly how that started. Nazis in Germany fly this same confederate flag in their yards because it's illegal to fly the swastika in Germany. When Nazis and KKK marched in Charlottesville and murdered Heather Heyer during Trumps first year in office, he called them very fine people. They were waving this flag and they were marching to save confederate statues. These are those same people. This is the Handmaids Tale come to life. Nazis lost their war. Trump lost the election. The Confederacy lost their war. Racist losers showed up at the request of their furher Trump wearing loser Trump shirts, waving loser nazi flags and loser confederate flags. They were assisted by race soldier cops. They broke windows, they scaled walls, they broke into offices. These terrorists took selfies with cops inside of government buildings. One of them was shot and killed in the US Capitol. Three of them died in the melee. Trump has blood in his hands and should not be allowed to live one more second on property paid for by our taxes. I am no fan of police but if we are "a country of laws" like they keep saying on the news, then Trump needs to be impeached again and arrested immediately for leading a pro nazi pro KKK pro fascist rally from the Oval Office. That confederate flag being held up in the White House is the ultimate insult to black folks and if you claim to be a patriot, this image should disgust you. It was insulting to hear white people on the news say over and over again that we could not have predicted this. Black people told you this would happen. I told you this would happen many, many times over the last four years. Many of you told me I was overreacting because I was distracting you from your distraction. Do you believe us now? Shame on America. Shame.


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