ジェイド・ニコルのインスタグラム(jaydenicole) - 1月3日 01時49分

I am that person that tries to make friends with every bird, fish, crab, lizard, dog and cat she sees. This one and I got pretty close lol 💕 animals have it rough in a human run world. We use and abuse them for food, fashion, and cosmetics. We test products and theories on them causing them extreme mental and physical pain. We trap them in cages for our amusement and disguise it as education in zoos. In 2021, be one less person hurting animals. Here are some great ways to help!
🌱 Cut back or stop eating meat and fish
🥛 Cut back or stop consuming dairy
💄Don’t buy products tested on animals
🐬 Do not visit Seaworld or aquariums
🦧 Do not go to zoos or animal circuses
👕 Avoid fur, leather, wool, down and silk
🥰 Feel good knowing you aren’t the cause of torture, fear, pain, suffering and death of innocent creatures


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