タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月30日 13時38分

Pain got me back in the holy grail... [ the studio ] No there’s no album coming this was inspired by the love of my life Samantha.... Thank you for the years I hope you know that I did the very best I could... I truly did... #BetterDays

I’ve wrestled with this question... How can we naturally know how to BE something we were never raised by?
Most of us were raised in broken homes with NO examples of what being a husband, wife or FATHER is....
I repeat.... How can we naturally know how to BE something we were never raised by?
My heart is so full because you've blessed me with 5 years of magic.... Samantha Gibson, I owe you everything.
I am a better man of God, friend, and father because of you...
I pray we leave the door open because the God that we serve is a mountains mover and can make a way out of no way.....

My boobie bubby...

Your forever husband,
-King Gibson


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