スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 12月19日 09時24分

❄️ Earlier this week, the animals at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute woke up to a winter wonderland! As always, their dedicated keepers were hard at work caring for creatures great and small. 🌨☃️
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Photo 1: red panda
Photo2: Hartmann’s mountain zebra
Photo 3: Przewalski’s horse
Photo 4: scimitar-horned oryx
Photo 5: red crowned crane
Photo 6: loggerhead shrike
Photo 7: Eld’s deer
Photo 8: brown kiwi footprints in the snow
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#NatZooZen #BringTheZooToYou #ClosedButStillCaring


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