Vogue Italiaのインスタグラム(vogueitalia) - 12月11日 03時57分

Everyone was bored, so everyone was skating. The London rollerskating scene captured by @Alice.Zoo. “Walking in the parks in London during the long months of the pandemic summer, every so often the anxious tension in the air would be cut through by the sudden rush of a group of roller skaters, zipping back and forth along the Serpentine at speed, or moving together in coordinated dance routines.” says the artist behind the shots. “It was hot in London: spring was one of the warmest and driest on record, and summer came with a series of heatwaves. Music played from portable speakers; people sat on the grass, stretching one another out. The air felt good on those evenings, with its long sunlight and drifting willow seed, and the speed and the skill and the athleticism. And it wasn’t just in spite of the pandemic; in fact, this was something that the pandemic’s restrictions actually made possible.” See more pictures via link in bio.

Alice Zoo is a photographer and writer based in London. She is interested in the processes by which people construct meaning for themselves, often in the forms of ritual, celebration, and recounted memory.

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