ダイナ・ジェーン・ハンセンのインスタグラム(dinahjane) - 12月2日 08時41分


I was fresh off a long 14hr flight . It was such a hassle but totally worth it !! I had to quickly return home after I performed the Tongan National Anthem for The Rugby League World Cup in New Zealand, so that I could make it in time to cut this unforgettable holiday medley with @レオナ・ルイス ! It’s been 3 years since and this moment is still sooo surreal to me . Glad we made this happen! It’s been a rocky , rough year but we’re still here and still standing ! We have so much yet to be grateful for . Hold your loved ones close to you and let go of all the grudge , hurt, and negativity youve held on to.. life is too short to not spread love and share light, especially during these unpromised times. Hope we all can open our hearts as we enter the last month of 2020 . I hope and pray you all have a wonderful holiday this year ! Muchhh love and blessings to you and yours 🤍 ....

🎹 : @moni_se_amasio my uncle never fails me 🤞🏽

Ps: I know I’ve been m.i.a but stay tuned for some good news ;) hehe thank you for being so patient w mee ilysmm bb’s


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