ベックスロックスのインスタグラム(rcollectivestudio) - 12月1日 22時29分

Fascinating afternoons with our Master carver Darma learning about his collection of Kris’s - The mysterious power of steel ⚡️⚔️
The Kris is an asymmetrical dagger of Indonesian culture.
The Balinese consider the kris a ten get, or “charged,” object, full of the mysterious power of steel and the secrets of smithery. Today the kris is seen only in dance performances or on days of great ceremonial importance.

Darma has collected / made around 30 of them some antique some new of which he has hand carved a few.
According to Darma, legend has it that traditionally Balinese kris, were ornately decorated and bejewelled, considered one of man’s most valuable possessions, from both a sekala (seen) and niskala (unseen) point of view.
When a kris is passed from generation to generation it may accumulate power and acquire a personality of its own.
Apparently legends abound in Bali of kris with curses or special attributes (for example, one handed down directly from a god). Today a kris is used to sever the cord holding a sacred Barong mask or to connect with spirits during a trance dance. At all other times the kris is kept hidden in a special shrine in the temple. Some kris must be stored without any sort of roof overhead; some are so powerful they must never pass under anything, even a gate. It has been reported that the occasional person who runs ‘amok’ (an Indonesian word) brandishing his kris and killing people indiscriminately, is under the influence of the kris itself, without any self control.
The Kris and his traditional gemstone high priest rings made for a fascinating glimpse into the mystical and wondrous Balinese culture. Terimakasi Darma. 👊



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