タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 11月19日 10時08分

Pray for me guys..... I never ask but I’ve been carrying some deep and heavy stuff.... That no one knows..... God has a real sense of humor.... I’m shooting a movie called DANGEROUS contrary to my APLHA... Contrary to how strong and unaffected I [ appear ] to be... I’m what I would describe as an ALPHA EMPATH.... I carry more stress and traumas and deal with more, and have been dealing with more than I care to share publicly....... Today is the start of 14 days in quarantine on my new film called DANGEROUS opposite @スコット・イーストウッド end one of my true heroes MEL GIBSON.... And yet I’m looking at the mountains and a serene lake, peace and calm and nature and snow and I feel like God is once again winking at me and telling me I GOT YOU..... THANK YOU JESUS this will likely be the best 14 days of my LIFE!!!!!

If I can encourage anybody out there who’s dealing with and carrying a LOT right now?...... [ I’m once again about to give you what I don’t have for myself] a word that was shared was.... “God didn’t say that WEAPONS wouldn’t be “FORMED..? He promised that with his blood that those very weapons WOULN’t PROSPER] ...... WE are blessed..... Somehow God’s got his hands on us and won’t let us slip into and stay in those dark places too long....Thank you Jesus! Prayers are answered in MANY forms.... Now that I’m here I know that I know that I know that I needed this....... Amen!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




