Keith Ladzinskiのインスタグラム(ladzinski) - 11月17日 23時20分

The last 36 hours was a dizzying whirl wind, it began by leaving Colorado with @tjtriage on a 24hr travel sequence consisting of 4 airplanes to Brazil’s #Pantanal followed by jumping in a truck directly on arrival and looking for wildlife. We wouldn’t have it any other way and the exhaustion was a tiny price to pay for the beauty that awaited us here. Within a few hours we were staring into the sleepy eyes of this beautiful #jaguar here, followed by a late night giant ant eater sighting and witnessing a hatching of fire flies like nothing I’ve ever seen in my life. This place is magical, and I can’t wait to share more of these moments soon once I start the edit from evening one. Can’t wait to see what’s ahead! 🤯 / @niarratravel @refugioecologicocaiman @oncafari


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