Flavorgod Seasoningsのインスタグラム(flavorgod) - 11月16日 01時36分

Seasonings on sale! www.flavorgod.com
✅And #flavorgod Himalayan salt & pink pepper
✅And #flavorgod garlic lovers seasoning
➡️Knife by: @mattia.borrani.cutlery
➡️I used my @finexcookware pot -
🎈1 pack (16oz) - noodles
🎈1 cup - mushrooms / sliced
🎈3-5 tbsp - butter
🎈1/2 - onion / small dice
🎈3/4 cup - salty water from boiling noodles
🎈3/4 cup - heavy cream
🎈1/2 cup - Parmesan cheese
🎈1 - zucchini/ sliced 🎈2 handful of garlic cloves
🎈1/3 cup olive oil
🎈1/4 cup - parsley
🎈Flavorgod pink Himalayan salt & pepper to taste
🎈Flavorgod garlic lovers - to taste
You can add a protein like cooked chicken to this dish or more veggies!

The pasta I boiled in water and flavorgod Himalayan salt & pepper. Make sure the water is really salty


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