OFI Australiaのインスタグラム(ofi_australia) - 11月13日 07時48分

We've been working to save orangutans & their rainforest habitat for nearly 50 years. Facing #climatechange, demand for agricultural land, human development & wildlife trafficking, your support is urgently needed. Help us save our critically endangered cousins today - the link to donate on our website is in our bio. Photo credit @suzieszterhas
#orangutancaringweek #saynotopalmoil #Deforestation ______________________________
🦧 OFIA Founder: Kobe Steele kobe@ofiaustralia.com OFIA Patron: Dr Birute Galdikas @drbirute @orangutanfoundationintl @orangutan.canada
www.orangutanfoundation.org.au 🦧 🧡 🦧


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