ジェセニア・バイスのインスタグラム(iamjessenia) - 11月12日 11時25分

Every woman has a past. Some were physically abused. Some bullied growing up. Some had pubertal issues. Some had sexual abuse as a child. Some had messed up love stories. Some had been forced into sex in the name of love. Some had been drugged. Some had been blackmailed by their ex-boyfriend. Some were in an abusive relationship. Some had pregnancy problems. Some had obesity issue. Some had financial droughts. Some had eating addictions or body disorders. Some had a few unsuccessful suicide attempts...

If you see a woman, who went through any or all of this, but who has already wiped her tears, tied her hair up, masked her sorrows with a divine smile, stood tall and strong, started walking towards her future because she still has some hope left inside her and has not given up on the concept of love that still exists in this world, DO NOT stab her with her past. DO NOT confront her. DO NOT slap her with more abuse... Give way for her and walk beside her. May be hold her hands and walk for a while. You'll know how sweet that soul is and how strong her hopes are! You'll be amazed at how she carries herself after all her energy has been sucked out.

She need not always be only the woman next door or from a different home. She could be your own friend, your own sister, your own girlfriend, your own wife, even may be your own mother. She is ME.

DO NOT judge her by her past. Gift her the peaceful future that she deserves. Hold her hands against the world, which knows only to judge. Give her the love that she always yearned for. Without judgment .. without condition ...


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