Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 11月12日 08時25分

5 years ago today I met two persons (Yes, persons is the correct term as people is already plural) who would become two of my closest friends: Blakey Boy and Tricia. Let me explain the Magical experience: Around one week before, I was in my dining room exhausted, Santino just came into this world and Nanny Eli was out, so I was bottle feeding around 6 babies at the time. I laid on my dining room’s floor and told Veronica: I need some Holidays, I’m burnt. 10 minutes later, Vero starts laughing and tells me that she doesn’t know how I always get my way, and she started to read me an email sent by Blake in which he invited me to a Cowboys game in Dallas, that his wife Loved what we do, he swore that he was not a weird guy but that he understood that I must be exhausted from all that I do. I told Vero that it sounded Lovely but that I never go with strangers and that I’d pass. She told me that I’d always lived my life through Omens and indications from The Spirit, and that 10 minutes ago I just voiced my intent to go on a trip and that Existence had granted me such trip (Not with those words as she barely speaks Spanish). Obviously, she was right so I contacted Blake and told him that if I was able to find someone to help me out with Santino that I would go. I contacted my biological mother (I used to have one), and that was the last thing that she did for me. So I went. It turned out that we have the same sense of Humor and we Loved each other and became best of friends. Months later, I had the Honor of Baptizing their new born baby girl and I named her Rosario. Mistakenly, they call her Curran, but the whole world knows her as Rosario. Five years have passed and we talk every day, I have visited them around 5 times but since Blake had his sex change operation I haven’t been able to return. Jokes aside, I Love them with all my Heart and I can’t wait to see them again very soon. By the way, I was Honored to name their first son also and I named him The Blob, they again mistakenly call him Bain (Even though it should be written Bane) but it’s ok with me. He passed the super cute baby test so he has all my Love regardless of his name...
#BabyRosarioBJWT #TheBlobBJWT


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