アンナ・ニコル・スミスのインスタグラム(annavictoria) - 11月10日 23時58分

STOP SCROLLING ❤️ I want you to do this with me. It will only take 60 seconds, promise!! 😊
This is perhaps *the* most important part of your workout. Did you know EVERY move you do should help strengthen your core? IF you’re engaging your core correctly. But many of us are not.
You’ve heard me talk about diaphragm breathing and TVA (transverse abdominus) engagement pre-pregnancy, during my pregnancy, and now, postpartum. Regardless of what stage you’re in, you should be doing this before EVERY workout.
Ok, you ready? Here is what I want you to do. Do it with me as you’re watching this video!
Step 1: Breathe into your belly and ribcage and relax at the same time (AKA let go of any tension, especially in your pelvic floor. Unclenching your jaw helps with this!)
Step 2: Exhale and try to let alllll the air out, making your tummy as flat as possible. To engage your TVA, you often hear “bring your belly button to your spine” which is not totally accurate. You want to engage and LIFT your TVA up.
A cue my pelvic floor physical therapist told me that really helped me re-establish that mind/muscle connection was to envision pulling my hip bones together in the middle. I was more effective at engaging my TVA that way vs the “belly button to spine cue” but whatever works for you!!
Repeat steps 1 + 2 for 60 seconds. That’s it!! 🙌 Did you do it with me?? Comment below and let me know ❤️ #fbggirls, I’m looking at you!! 😉
Remember, before every workout! Try it standing, on hands and knees, sitting, laying on the ground... whatever helps YOU feel your TVA engaging best. It may take a few days to “feel” it, too. So keep at it! And before you know it your core will get stronger and stronger, you’ll have less back pain (a strong core = a supported lower back) AND you’ll become that much more effective in ALL moves you do 👏 #fbggirls #thesecret #toastrongcore


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
Megan Rainさんがフォロー
