ブリトニー・ワードのインスタグラム(brittnybutton) - 11月7日 01時29分

Hey guys! Little update on Hendrix. Hendrix’s febrile seizure was not caused by any “bug” or COVID. He has tested negative for everything. His febrile seizure was caused by the MMR vaccine. Our pediatrician pretty much confirmed that. He received the MMR vaccine 7 days before his seizure. Although seizures are more on the “rare” side, after talking to so many parents they are much more common than we would like to think. I am not advocating to not vaccinate your child, but encouraging you to ask your doctor a million questions and ask about the possible side effects. I wish our pediatrician educated me or warned me, but the vaccine was given as casually as a diaper change. The MMR vaccine is apparently notorious for bad side effects. So do your homework and don’t feel bad for advocating for your child’s health! Stay safe ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





