チャーリー・カーバーのインスタグラム(charliecarver) - 11月4日 04時11分

Today is the day! Vote vote vote! If you’ve already voted, there are plenty of ways to stay involved. Make calls or texts to Get Out The Vote in crucial swing states. If you haven’t, it is still possible to register in a number of states (CA CO CT DC HI ID IL IA MN MD MI MN MO NV NH ND RI VT WA WI)! Donate a box of pizza to folks waiting in line. Check in on your friends. Link in bio for more. AND LET’S SEE THEM #IVoted STICKERS! Be safe, be well, big love 🗳💙 #bidenharris2020


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




