ビジー・フィリップスのインスタグラム(busyphilipps) - 11月3日 10時53分

I’m sure you’re sick of people telling you to be sure to #vote TOMORROW but here are all the ways I’ve been telling people in the past several weeks. This is it, bbs. Don’t think one vote doesn’t matter, you know that’s not true. Don’t be intimidated by online threats or long lines(make friends! Maybe FOR LIFE?) Drop off your mail in ballot IN PERSON!! Look online for voter guides and bring them with you and for GOD’S SAKE, vote for @joebiden and @kamalaharris and let’s bring SANITY and EMPATHY back to this country and start to rebuild and form the country WE want to see-one that’s reflective of the FUTURE we envision- one that’s inclusive and tolerant and understanding and *NOT* one based in some antiquated racist ideology that’s about oppression and money and BELONGS IN THE FUCKING PAST. I love you so much. I know this is hard. It IS. But in the words of my friend @glennondoyle WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. THIS is the marathon! And it hasn’t been a sprint! It’s been long and exhausting and sometimes felt impossible to finish BUT! we’ve been doing the work and it’s mile 25! We have 1.2 miles left to go!! Let’s get it over the finish line, and I PROMISE THAT WE WILL deal with the blisters and bleeding nipples next week. (Really going all the way with the marathon metaphor) OK. Do what you gotta do- just get there. I believe in you. I love you(have I said that already?) See you on the other side, my bbs. #voteblue2020 #voteforchange #votehimout #vote #bidenharris2020


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