アラン・カミングのインスタグラム(alancummingreally) - 11月1日 05時04分

Once, many years ago, Sean put his arm around me and said ‘this is my new son’. It was on a red carpet and we were mugging for the cameras but, for many reasons, I was really moved. Later I joked that because he was without doubt the King of Scotland, that meant that I was now a prince! Many years later, he called me up after he read the book I wrote about my dad ‘Not My Father’s Son’ and we had a long, deep chat about both our backgrounds. He’d tried me a few times before we actually connected, and on one of the messages he ended with ‘Goodnight sweet prince’. I saved him saying just those three words on my computer and sometimes when I am DJing I play them between songs. It’s so brief and nobody can hear it, but I just like to feel that he’s there. I’ve been listening to it this morning after hearing he died.
It was such a beautiful gesture for someone he knew had complicated issues with his father, and also acknowledging my wee joke all those years before.
I’m honored to have known Sean, and send love to Micheline and his family today.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




