イマン・ハマンのインスタグラム(imaanhammam) - 10月22日 02時30分

“We are in the midst of uprisings happening across the continent against tyranny, assaults on personhood and violations of human rights. A call for Pan-African solidarity and awareness is needed and necessary to fight against neocolonial, corrupted systems hindering total, global Black Liberation. We stand with all the mothers, youth, and everyone on the continent and the Diaspora speaking up and fighting against injustices. From protests against police brutality in Nigeria calling to #EndSARS, to violence against women in Namibia, the fight continues across Africa and ‘the people’s struggle is just.’• Excerpt from the documentary Kuxa Kanema: O Nascimento do Cinema (2004), dir. Margarida Cardoso, a film on Mozambique’s liberation movement.“ — via @sunujournal #repost 💔 The will of the people is the only will that matters 🙏🏽


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