エミリー・スワローのインスタグラム(bigeswallz) - 10月16日 23時20分

Who else was all kinds of impressed with @mattcohen4real’s television directing debut last night? I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him as a friend and seeing how dang hard he works on the convention circuit, so I was not at all surprised that he showed up thoroughly prepared and stayed humble and gracious the whole time. He rolled with the punches (which included a random blizzard, a location that had music bleeding in from next door even though no one was home and therefore it couldn’t be turned off, and rowdy actors like @ジャレッド・パダレッキ , @ジェンセン・アクレス and your truly) and gave you guys a pretty spectacular episode, didn’t he?
What was your favorite moment?
#supernatural #supernaturalseason15 #gimmeshelter #amara #sam #dean #chuck #spnfamily


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