ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 10月14日 02時07分

No matter how big the goal or dream ✨ No matter the timeline ✨ If I can live ONE DAY AT A TIME ✨ If I can own my moments and be fully present ✨ I will be able to better CREATE 🎨 my life ✨ One moment ✨ One brush stroke ✨ One day at a time ✨ If I can live (& ♥️) in this way, my future will be as bright and as beautiful as I have the courage to fight for 🦁 and more importantly, my NOW will be GOLDEN ✨

@miketiriconbc @adcraftdetroit @nbcolympics Thank you for the honor of your time today 🙏 I am off to create my future in a wildly inspired way today because of you. Thank you.

@miketiriconbc you are literally, THE best 🦁



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