パリス・ヒルトンのインスタグラム(parishilton) - 10月11日 06時20分

Yesterday was one of the most empowering moments of my life! Returning to the place that has haunted my nightmares since I was a teen. Being there surrounded by hundreds of other survivors who have all endured the same pain & abuses that I have. Showing our abusers that we will no longer be silent & expose them for all the evil terrible things that they have done. Taking back our power & making it loud & clear that this child abuse needs to end! Thank you all yesterday for your kind words of love & encouragement. I was blown away by the love & support. You are all such incredible people in the survivor community. I admire your strength, bravery, resilience & passion. And I love and stand with you all! #iSeeYouSurvivor @BreakingCodeSilence 🙌 This is just the beginning!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




