レヴェン・ランビンのインスタグラム(levenrambin) - 10月11日 06時13分

Today is #worldmentalhealthday and I want to take the opportunity to be transparent and share with you my struggles with anxiety and panic attacks. It had been something I have largely hid, hated myself for, and felt ashamed of for years. In the last couple years I sought help, healing, and support bc i knew life was bigger, more beautiful, and better than how i was experiencing it. For once, I chose not to numb out or escape or pretend anymore; and face my issues with time and compassion. This was and sometimes still is many tears, nights alone, deep breaths, patience, and uncertainty. I have had incredible love and support from my coach @jenn_visser_ , my friends and family when I opened up and been truly authentic about who I am and what it’s like to be me. I encourage the conversations you don’t think you can have. I encourage you to no longer be afraid or your thoughts or feelings. I encourage you to love the parts of you you hate, just a little at first. I am so grateful for my growth and the sunshine was dominated my life most days. This platform has brought tremendous wisdom, healing, and insight to me as i move through life. Some of my favorite accounts are tagged. You’re not alone, I am here with you and for you and please, please, don’t give up. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #mentalhealthawareness


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