ケリー・ヒルソンのインスタグラム(kerihilson) - 10月11日 06時09分

It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay! We get so engulfed in caring for our physical bodies & outside worlds, but make it a consistent habit to sit still and check in on the status of your mental health. Are you stressed? Worried? Anxietal? Overwhelmed? Fearful? Fatigued? Unsettled? Irritable or easily angered? Are you grieving a loss of any kind? Are you suppressing emotions instead of addressing them?

Well if the answer to any of these was “Yes,” are you doing anything about it? In a year like this, these feelings are more than understandable, and in our stillness, so much has been discovered or uncovered in our thoughts & emotional fields. It may be time to talk things through with a non-biased party, such as a licensed therapist. It’s okay. It’s not for “crazy people,” and it’s not as uncommon as it seems. We go to every kind of doctor for any other ailment—why not treat your mental health like you would your physical health? It is very VERY helpful to talk through your problems with someone outside of your life. They see angles & offer solutions that we can’t easily see. Today I urge you to make a commitment to take care of your TRUE SELF. What if I told you it is possible to find true joy & peace in the midst of any storm??? Well it is, and there’s no better time to find just that!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




