カルーシェ・トランのインスタグラム(karrueche) - 10月11日 04時08分

As today is #WorldMentalHealthDay.. I reflect on my current state of mind.. yesterday I had a therapy session and cried my eyes out.. breaking down from something I didn’t even realize I was so affected by from my childhood. It scares me to confront these feelings.. yet I am very proud of myself for taking steps forward to a better me.. a better me that can love and understand.. understand why I am the way I am.. or the way that I think/process/handle situations.. I’ve never experienced anything like I am currently.. but something is happening within me.. I’m growing.. learning.. unraveling.. being honest about my emotions.. and stepping into my power.. it is a very long journey and at times it’s even hard for me to understand.. but I am embracing it. Sometimes we find ourselves in dark places.. but we are not alone. I encourage you to take the steps to becoming a better you.. do things that fulfill you and make you feel whole and happy.. whatever it may be.. there is no wrong or right. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. And with all that being said.. yesterday, I cried.. took a hot shower and threw on this leopard onesie lol lounged around all day and allowed myself to sit in my emotions and thoughts and be alone for a bit and eventually let those feelings pass.. then I ate some yummy Thai food 😁 @prettylittlething


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




