Aashna Shroffのインスタグラム(aashnashroff) - 10月11日 00時10分

Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay and I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to talk. I know that sometimes that’s easier said than done, so I’m gonna do some talking here today.

Last year, I was diagnosed with PTSD after an extremely traumatic incident that still makes me anxious to think or talk about.

I’ve always struggled with low self esteem (majorly caused by my acne), and feeling overwhelmed & stressed out all the time. I also dealt with setbacks in my career and physical health and a major lack of self love, all of which only made the PTSD worse.

For some reason I kept telling myself that my mind could take on anything, so when I dealt with my first signs of anxiety, I thought admitting that I needed help would make me weak.

After months of not sleeping well, not taking care of myself, constantly struggling to breathe, being stressed out and anxious all the time, I finally got help. And since then, I’ve been working on myself. Every single day. Extremely hard. Some days are worse than others, when I absolutely cannot breathe but still have to smile for the camera. Most days I want to give up. But I won’t. Because I know I am better today than I was a year ago. And even though I have a long way to go, I know I have come a long way too.

I don’t talk about this often, on or off social media, but I do confide in the people that make me feel better. And if you think you’re dealing with anything similar, that’s all you need to do. Your mental health doesn’t define you. Just talk. It’s okay to talk.

#IsupportMentalWellness #PositiveVibesOnly #PositiveTogether
#MoreTogether #ItsOKtoTalk

On a lighter note, I got dressed up and went out for lunch with my best friend today and ate burrata and drank some Aperol after 7 whole months, and I feel so happy right now ❤️☺️


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