レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 10月10日 22時43分

For those of you who didn’t know this, trump signed an executive order that bans diversity training in the work place😳. Are we in the upside down people? When does a leader of a country say he doesn’t want diversity training in the workplace? This order prohibits federal agencies, companies with federal contracts, and recipients of federal grants from participating in training that “promotes race or sex-stereotyping or scapegoating.”😳🤔 So, let me get this straight, trump does not want businesses in this country to focus on how they can include more diversity in their hiring and promoting practices? He said it’s divisive and un-American! And he has said that he will cut federal funding from a business if they engage in diversity training. And we keep sinking further to the bottom. #vote #yourvoicematters #whatiswegondo #heisunamerican


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