ミーシャ・コリンズのインスタグラム(misha) - 10月7日 04時21分

Also, #ImVotingFor the #SPNFamily. No matter who you are or where you live, I want you to live in a world where justice,  equality and freedom for all are not just ideals but our actual lived experience. We all deserve a world where we’re united and everybody has a chance at the life they want — and ideally, a world that isn’t slowly turning into an uninhabitable furnace helmed by a tyrant.

Join me! Check your voter registration at iwillvote.com (LINK IN PROFILE), then vote for @joebiden & @kamalaharris & vote blue down your ballot, too, so we can make that world our reality.  

I’m tagging the #SPNFamily with the challenge, now: show me who you’re voting “for”, tag it #ImVotingFor & challenge three friends!

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