Hrush Achemyanのインスタグラム(styledbyhrush) - 10月2日 13時04分

You wanted facts, here they are what ever nationality you are you either stand for peace or fall for war.
I would like to say I stand with all Armenian soldiers on the front line, and mourn for my cousins lost; May you Rest In Peace.
The Armenians have had that [Nagorno Karabakh] going back thousands of years. Azerbaijanis have a claim to it, as we all know Western Armenia is gone, it’s a part of Turkey now thanks to the systemic genocide of Armenians in 1915 so this is one of those small areas on the eastern side on the other side of Armenia that’s been at conflict now for many many years, on Sept.27 Azeris and Turks, a NATO ally no less, linked up and caused the Azerbaijanis and the Armenians into a conflict.
Azerbaijan’s unprovoked and ongoing attacks on Artsakh are reprehensible and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. These acts of aggression have already claimed lives and come just two months after violating its cease-fire with Armenia. The United States should suspend all military aid to Azerbaijan and work with the other members of the Minsk Group to restore peace and stability.
The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is reporting that a broad array of members of Congress, from both the Senate and House, have issued statements condemning Azerbaijan and Turkey for their military offensive against the free and independent Republic of Artsakh– an attack which expanded to Armenia earlier today.
“The ANCA calls on the U.S. Congress to immediately take steps to cut all U.S. military aid to the Aliyev regime in Baku and enact broad and overwhelming military and economic sanctions on Turkey,” remarked ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian. “Aliyev’s Azerbaijan and Erdogan’s Turkey are the modern-day sick men of Eurasia – warmongering in the midst of a global COVID-19 pandemic,” added Hamparian.
Facts on facts on facts on facts, don’t be sheep 🐑 keep researching for truth! I urge
every single person that follow me to either repost this or whatever it is that inspires you to speak out for the USA to step in and put a stop to this bullshit.
#Artsakhstrong #Armeniastrong #Armenia
#stopturkey #ArtsakhisArmenia


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