シグリッド・アグレンのインスタグラム(sigridagren) - 10月2日 04時21分

I’ve been thinking back to a few months ago, when the whole world was in lockdown. That on its own already felt very challenging if you ask me, but on top of that, I was feeling extremely tired and nauseous because of the first weeks of pregnancy. So my days basically looked like this : woke up, had something to eat, went on the sofa - usually fell back asleep, lunch, back to bed for an afternoon nap, a little walk around the block on the good days, and some dinner when I’d muster the courage to make some…I felt totally useless. Now looking back, I realize that my body was far from useless, it was doing the most amazing job possible, that of creating another human life inside me. But at the time I swear, I was feeling so incredibly guilty for doing “nothing”.

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