テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 10月1日 07時06分

I’ve built a movement from saying Eff Your Beauty Standards and I applied that focus to size, to fatphobia & diversity of body types. Yet I didn’t always tackle all the other standards with which I was succumbing to, was at odds with, and hadn’t made peace with in my own life.⁣

Let’s be real, beauty is a standard. Makeup is a standard. Clear skin is a beauty standard. And when we get held to those impossible standards as well, we are often made to feel less than for not making the mark. It’s one I have struggled with constantly, especially with my work that demands it even when I am booked for my size breaking the mold.⁣

I might never have perfect skin, I might always have skin that is hormonal and breaks out, and that’s ok. It doesn’t make me less than. It doesn’t make you less than. ⁣

I’m proud to partner with a skincare brand that understands this, that isn’t selling perfection but a journey to Embracing Your Skin. Here is to beauty routines that affirm daily self care and not the eternal chase of a perfect standard. If you are too, share your journey on here and tag @テス・ホリデー and @tula and I will share some of you so we can all normalize these feelings and this larger discussion.⁣ #embraceyourskin #tulapartner


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