ヴィッキー・パティソンのインスタグラム(vickypattison) - 9月27日 22時17分

I don’t know about you guys but i feel like it’s been a really hard week. I can’t exactly put my finger on what it is but it’s just been tougher than normal.

I sort of get it.. This isn’t how anyone saw their year going. I think we hoped (maybe somewhat naively) by now there would be some semblance of normality back in the air- maybe we hoped we’d all be enjoying our planned summer trips abroad without consequence? Or spending carefree time with our loved ones laughing, hugging & catching up on lost time. & it’s not like that at all really is it?

But there is definitely something in the air. But it’s not hope or the prospect of better times ahead. There is a real anger in the air. It’s like so many people just feel super frustrated & they are looking for an outlet- for something or someone to take it out on. Prowling for anything to project this disappointment on to.

People have missed holidays, have had weddings cancelled, been separated from their friends & families for months, people have lost their jobs & most devastatingly of all people have lost their lives. As a nation we are probably still abit scared, confused & it just feels like we’re going backwards.

I don’t know what the answer is, I don’t know exactly what tomorrow holds & how Covid is going to keep on affecting the world- but I do know this, it is not going to be made better by us venting our misguided frustrations across social media & spreading anger & hate throughout these platforms.

We all have enough to contend with right now without adding to this with unnecessary negativity & cruel comments- you have no idea how a person is feeling, how they may be struggling & what your seemingly flippant but completely callous words can do to them.

Kindness is not going to cure Covid, I know that- but practising a little bit more of it can’t hurt can it? I feel like there’s a distinct absence of it across social media at the moment & it’s a real shame. We should be being there for each other, Helping build each other up & spreading some positivity- instead of finding reasons to tear each other down.

I urge everyone to explore their capacity for compassion & show some respect for each other 💙


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