ダニエラ・ルーアのインスタグラム(danielaruah) - 9月23日 07時31分

What day is it today?? Why its #nationalvoterregistrationday ! Are you registered to vote?? If not visit vote.org for all the information you need to get it done. Its YOUR OBLIGATION and RIGHT to vote. Too much is at stake to abstain. Its not just about the presidency, its also the other names on the ballot who will fight for or against you. To all of those young adults who are eligible to vote in 2020, welcome to your right! Mail in your ballot, drop off your mail-in ballot in person (you don’t have to wait in line) or show up in person (wearing a mask and social distancing). Play your part, you got this ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

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