トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 9月20日 07時03分

We don’t live in a democracy. We don’t live in a republic.

This is a map of where populations of actual people live and how they vote. This is the actual representation of american values, not that graphic splashed in red that conservatives like to meme out when they laughingly talk about “freedom”. Now, what does this mean in practice? Swipe over. Mr Axelrod said it about as clearly as you can say it.

I refuse to allow the broken system of placation to the pro-human-bondage states to continue to rule without relentless challenge. As a person who believes in his bones in the promise of freedom that this country claims, that would be traitorous.

The time has come, my friends, to stop buying into the unchallenged bullshit that progressives want to “change America”. The ideological platform of the so-called left of this country IS AMERICA.


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