ブランドン・ジェンナーのインスタグラム(brandonjenner) - 9月13日 13時30分

Has anyone felt a little down lately? Like the world is headed is some sort of strange direction and the future is full of unknowns and uneasiness? Well, you’re not alone. I’ve noticed a lot of people feeling the same way too. Our closest friends have become distant memories, public spaces feel like nuclear fallout zones, our phones are filled with stories of division and now, to top it off, the sun above LA has been blocked out by an invasion of ominous smoke. It sure feels like we are being flung from sided to side in the back of a speeding truck with nobody behind the wheel. What to do about it all? Well, that’s for you to figure out. I’m just here to remind you, through music, that the ebb and flow of this human experience has been going on for a very long time, and that, just like every other time in our chaotic history, we will get through this one too. ❤️🤙🏼


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