ビジー・フィリップスのインスタグラム(busyphilipps) - 9月10日 12時08分

I love these pictures. Because it’s just truly so us. I can’t believe my best friend is 40. We met 20 years ago, which makes no sense because we’re still 27. I really wish I could be with my friend tonight celebrating how special and incredible and brilliant she is. And to tell her in person how I’m eternally grateful that we met all those years ago because there’s no one I’d rather weather all the storms with and celebrate all the wonderful things with and cry and cry and laugh and laugh and drink and not drink with. I wish we ALL could be with our friends and the people we love right now. But the thing that gives me hope (I guess) is that life is long. And there are so many more birthdays to come. And I can’t wait to be old someday with my friend and go to farmers markets in the countryside with her- my long grey hair parted in the middle and pulled tightly back in a bun and she in some giant sun hat, protecting her still perfect porcelain skin. And then we, two old ladies who met when they were girls, jokingly will say to the lady farmer selling us oranges “you won’t believe this- we’ve been friends 50 years! Which makes no sense because we’re only 40!” And then Michelle will turn to me and say(for the girl’s benefit), “well, I’M only 40, B. You’re 41.” And we will look at each other and link arms and laugh. Happy birthday, M. I love you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




