OFI Australiaのインスタグラム(ofi_australia) - 9月8日 18時34分

Infant orangutans stay in close contact with their mothers for a long time. For the first two years of a young orangutan’s life, he or she is completely dependent on mother for food and transportation. A baby orangutan clings to his/her mother’s stomach, side, or back while she moves through the trees, and feeds on his/her mother’s breast milk. _____________________________________
🦧 OFIA Founder: Kobe Steele kobe@ofiaustralia.com OFIA Patron: Dr Birute Galdikas @drbirute @orangutanfoundationintl @orangutan.canada
www.orangutanfoundation.org.au 🦧 🧡 🦧
#orangutan #orphan #rescue #rehabilitate #release #BornToBeWild #Borneo #Indonesia #CampLeakey #orangutans #savetheorangutans #sayNOtopalmoil #palmoil #deforestation #destruction #rainforest #environment #nature #instanature #endangeredspecies #criticallyendangered #wildlife #orangutanfoundationintl #ofi #drbirute #ofiaustralia #FosterAnOrangutanToday


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