Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 9月3日 01時53分

Many of you have asked about our school plans for the fall. I haven’t shared up until now because they are a bit complicated. This year, Harlow will be going to a new school. It’s because of Harlow’s school that we will be going back to the city next week. Mazzy will be doing school remotely (at least initially), while Harlow attends in-person classes. The class sizes will be small and it seems like they are implementing all the necessary protocols, but even so, I don’t know if those in-person classes will last long. Regardless, we think it would be best for Harlow to see her school, meet her teachers and make new friends (even if it’s just for a few weeks) to help her feel connected to her new environment. If in-person school gets canceled and she ends up remote, we will adapt. But this is our plan right now.


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