アンナ・パキンのインスタグラム(_annapaquin) - 8月28日 21時44分

@djalibc thank you for this clear explanation. #Repost @djalibc
While this conversation has been had by many BIPOC for generations—like a majority of the recent conversations about race, social justice, and systemic racism that the nation is finally having to some degree—I’m happy to see that this particular phenomenon is being addressed.

The amount of posts I’ve seen circulating of white women crying about being called Karen, accusing Black & Brown folk (or, as they say, The Radical Left) of reverse racism...

That the media has nicknamed an entire population of violent women who weaponize their tears and a history of racism against Black and Brown bodies is another conversation. It further upholds the archetype of the white woman as pure and outside of the realm of persecution.

It too negates the particular centuries-old history of white women’s tears and so-called “fear” of the Black a/o Brown man. Lastly, it also ignores the lying embedded in that history. Lest we forget Emmett Till, the 14-year-old boy on summer vacation whose life was savagely taken by two white men after 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant said he whistled at her. She lied.

The weaponization of white women’s tears strategically silences BIPOC. Maybe I should make a thread about this? Anywho, I digress. Miss me with any of your “reverse” racism “arguments”.

Infographic by @futurafreedesign

Con amor,

P.S.: A tangent: that @AOC is only being given a minute to speak at today’s DNC, while John Kasich, an anti-choice, anti-worker conservative who calls AOC “far right,” was given a nearly 4-minute segment...I’m figuratively and quite literally sipping my tea.

#blacklivesmatter #lasvidasnegrasimportan


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