シャナン・ドハーティーのインスタグラム(theshando) - 8月25日 03時44分

This is a tough one. I have owned police trained dogs in the past. They are exceptionally well trained and disengage with a command if the handler and dog have the right working relationship. I also currently have a dog that is very dog aggressive. Had the pit bull been my Bowie, she would of been shot in the head. Yes, I wasn’t there so it’s hard to know every detail however, the fast draw of guns is an issue we all are aware of. I would personally suggest that this officer might not be the right person for a k9. I don’t have the answers but I do question why other methods weren’t used to separate the dogs. I am also very sensitive to police dogs. They are officers. Friendly discussion please. This is not a feed to tear each other apart but rather to “hear” other opinions and have a healthy discussion. Repost from @animalhopeandwellness

Detroit Dog Shooting Update:
After posting the video online and asking the public to call the Mayor and the Detroit Police Department. The precinct sided with the officer, even though there was video footage, and said the shooting of the dog in the head was justified.
The officer was not reprimanded and is back on duty. The police department blamed the owner of the dog saying she should have controlled her pet, even though the dog was behind the fence.
It is sad to think that police would shoot a dog in the head, instead of working to separate them. After watching the video many times, we feel that the situation could have been avoided, or handled differently.
@dogsofahwf @animalhopeinlegislation


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