ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月21日 07時30分

As South Africans cope with hunger in the pandemic, government efforts at delivering relief have floundered.

South Africa, the continent’s economic powerhouse, responded to the coronavirus by announcing the largest relief effort in the country’s history. But the undertaking has been dogged by allegations of widespread corruption and mismanagement, undermining confidence in a government that had received international acclaim for its assertive action.

Contracts are being doled out to family members. Food parcels have gone missing. And funds meant for unemployment insurance are making their way into the pockets of political cronies. Charities and ordinary citizens say they have been left to fill in the gaps created by the government’s failures.

Despite its moves to control the pandemic, the country is now overwhelmed by more than 592,144 coronavirus cases, the fifth-highest infection rate in the world and the highest official caseload on the African continent.

The relief efforts have become a source of embarrassment for President Cyril Ramaphosa, who was elected on a platform of stamping out corruption. He has called those accused of corruption “a pack of hyenas circling wounded prey,” and announced a new law enforcement unit to investigate the allegations. Tap the link in our bio to read more from South Africa. Photos by @joaosilva_nyt


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