ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月18日 04時25分

These Uber drivers are stressed. Archery soothes them.

Many Bhutanese immigrants who drive for ride-sharing services stayed home during the coronavirus-related lockdown in New York City. As they begin to return to work, archery, their country’s national pastime, has been a comfort.

Before the coronavirus swept through their New York neighborhoods, a group of around 2 dozen Bhutanese immigrants — most of whom are also Uber and Lyft drivers — would gather at an expanse of woods in Shamong, New Jersey, monthly for a traditional match. But in July, as state officials began to allow more outdoor activities, the group decided to resume its ceremonial games every weekend.

Archery provided a way to exercise, socialize at a distance and offer prayers for the city’s speedy comeback. Most of the players had preferred to live off savings in recent months rather than continue driving — and risk infecting other members of the region’s small Bhutanese community.

“Especially in these pandemic times, everybody was alone at home,” one driver, Tshelthrim Dorji, said. “That’s why we created these tournaments to see each other again, to recover.”

Their archery group, which was founded in 2006, is called Shaa Wang Pasum, for the people who live in three districts in Bhutan that helped unify the country. Before each match, those taking part say mantras to Buddha and pour an offering on the ground: a bottle of beer.

“We are all Buddhist, so it is not competitive,” said Thukten Jamtsho, 43, one of the competitors who works as an Uber driver. “We come to see each other, meet new friends, and bring the community together.”

Tap the link in our bio to read more. Photos by @elvilchisolalde


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